Your First Steps

Initial Configuration

In order to use RUNSENSE View/Neo Run, you must register for the Epson Sensing service.

  1. Launching the app

    Launching the app

    Install the Epson Run Connect, link it via USB, and the Epson Run Connect will be ready for operation.
    (The Epson Run Connect will be ready for operation after having been installed on Mac).

  2. Creating an account

    Creating an account

    Press Create Account to register a new account.

  3. Profile settings

    Profile settings

    Enter your information into the fields displayed.
    A confirmation email will be dispatched to the email address you inputted, so please access the URL sent within 30 minutes of registering.

  4. Main registration

    Main registration

    Enter the email address and password you specified on the account creation screen. Click the Send button to complete registration.

Data upload

Uploads your running data to RUNSENSE View, and then uploads your activity data onto PULSENSE View.

  1. Place the device on the cradle.

    Place the device on the cradle.

    Place the device on the cradle.

  2. Run Epson Run Connect

    Run Epson Run Connect

    Epson Run Connect runs automatically.

  3. Log in

    Log in

    Log in as necessary using your registered e-mail address and password.

  4. Upload


    Click on « Upload All » to start uploading the data.,
    If you click on « Selective Upload, » you can upload data by following the instructions on the screen.,
    Once the upload is complete, your measurement results are displayed.,
    *The Mac version does not provide « Selective Upload » functionality.