Your First Steps


In order to use RUNSENSE View/Neo Run, you must first register for the Epson Sensing Service.
Follow the instructions displayed onscreen after downloading the Run Connect app.

  1. Launching the app

    Launching the app

    Launch the Epson Run Connect, and tap the button to proceed to the Login menu. Press Create Account.

  2. Creating an account

    Creating an account

    Press Create Account to register a new account.

  3. Profile settings

    Profile settings

    Enter your information into the fields displayed.
    A confirmation email will be dispatched to the email address you inputted, so please access the URL sent within 30 minutes of registering.

  4. Main registration

    Main registration

    Enter the email address and password you specified on the account creation screen.

  5. Login


    Enter the registered e-mail address and password, do the login.


In order to use RUNSENSE View/Neo Run, you must connect your device and smartphone together.
Launch the app and follow the instructions onscreen to begin Device Pairing.

  1. Launching the app

    Launching the app

    Launch Run Connect, enter your ID and password, and press Login to access your account.

  2. Device Pairing

    Device Pairing

    Press the Start Pairing button.

  3. Searching for your watch

    Searching for your watch

    Set your watch to Start Communication and press the OK button on the app.

    For SF-110:
    1. Press D to open the menu
    2. Press C or D to select Smartphone,
    and A to confirm.
    3. Press C or D to select Start Communication,
    and A to confirm.

    For other devices:
    1. Hold down D.

    communication start 1 communication start 2

  4. Device Pairing

    Device Pairing

    Input the number displayed on your watch, and press the Pairing button.

  5. Connection with smartphone complete

    Connection with smartphone complete

    The Home screen will be displayed, allowing you to use the app.