Displays the statistics for the average daily exercise time, average number of steps, and average sleeping time of all PULSENSE users.
- Switch Data
- You can change the category of statistics by tapping the Title button.
- Switch Characteristics
- Allows you to filter data by sex or age.
- Bar Graph
- Displays the percentage of the total number of people.
- Line Graph
- Statistics for all users regardless of sex or age group.
- Scale
- The scale is in 1-hour increments.
For example, the height of the bar graph between 5h and the next increment indicates the percentage of people who exercised an average of more than 5 hours but less than 6 hours in a day.
- Scale
- The scale is in 2,000 step increments.
For example, the height of the bar graph between 10,000 and the next increment indicates the percentage of people who walked an average of more than 10,000 steps but less than 12,000 step in a day.
- Scale
- The scale is in 1-hour increments.
For example, the height of the bar graph between 5h and the next increment indicates the percentage of people who slept an average of more than 5 hours but less than 6 hours in a day.