What are Steps?

This refers to the number of steps and rough distance while you are walking while wearing the device.


Distance (calculated value)Distance (calculated value)
This refers to rough distance travelled converted from the number of steps counted with the acceleration meter and your height.


This refers to the target number of steps per day as the goal.
You can change the target number of steps in [Settings] - [Goal Settings].

Accumulated number of steps for the day


One day

This refers to the change in number of steps by hour for the day.

One week

This refers to the change in the number of steps for the week.
This also shows the relationship with the Target line and the maximum number of steps for the day.

One month

This refers to the change in the number of steps for the month.
This also shows the relationship with the Target line and the maximum number of steps for the day.

Target Line

This refers to the target number of steps for the day.
You can change this value from [Settings] - [Goal Settings].
Target Line