Reload and Share buttons

Reload and Share buttons
Reload and Share buttonsReload
Upload the device data to the server. The application data refreshes to show the most recent data.
Reload and Share buttonsDevice communication error
A communication error with the device has occurred during the reload.
Reload and Share buttonsServer communication error
A communication error with the server has occurred during the reload.
Reload and Share buttonsPosting
Share your data to Facebook or Twitter.
Reload and Share buttons
Reload and Share buttons
Progress Bar
When you open the app, or after pressing the reload button, data used for display purposes will be uploaded first, while detailed data will be uploaded while the progress bar is shown.The upload will continue in the background even if you close the app or put your smartphone in sleep mode. Please be careful not to turn off Bluetooth or delete the app from the background while data is being uploaded in the background.