Heart rate zone and exercise intensity

PULSENSE reads and records your heart rate from the changes in light reflected through the blood vessels. As you exercise your heart rate will increase. The heart rate zones are below, the thresholds for these heart rate zones are based on your heart rate as a percentage of your maximum. PULSENSE automatically track this and tells you what zone you are in.

  • 0 - 40%
    Low intensity exercise suitable for warm-up/ cool down.
    moderate walking
  • 40 - 70%
    Fat burning zone
    Mid intensity exercise for more efficient fat burning.
    Brisk walking, Jogging
  • 70 - 80%
    Aerobic zone
    Mid to High intensity exercise that can be sustained over a period of time. Optimal cardiovascular training.
    Low-intensity running
  • 80 - 90%
    Anaerobic zone
    High intensity exercise that can only be sustained for short period. Improves anaerobic capacity and threshold.
    Moderate-intensity running, Sprint
  • 90 - 100%
    Maximum intensities
    Very high intensity exercise that can only be sustained for short burst. Used by athletes for specific targeted training.
    High-intensity running, Spurt

The correlation of fat burning with exercise intensity is below. Monitoring and managing your heart rate while exercising makes it much easier to maximise your effort and use that time most effective.

Fat burning efficiency, and Exercise intensity.